0 Backup Gold App for Android Review

It is always wise to have a backup plan for your smart phones, especially if you tend to carry many important files/documents in your mobile device. 0 Backup Gold app for Android lets you wirelessly backup the files and folders stored in internal storage as well as SD Card of your Android devices to your Windows PC. The only catch is that both the Android phone and your PC must be connected to the same WiFi network, and your PC has at least one shared folder. 0 Backup Gold Android App can be downloaded for $1.96.

How 0 Backup Gold App Works?

0 Backup Gold app for Android is set to backup your files and folders from the /sdcard/ folder by default. However, you can easily backup the contents of your Android device’s internal storage as well, if you wish so. Other notable features of 0 Backup include an option to ‘exclude’ chosen files and folders from being included in a backup, and the option to remove backup from the server (which is nothing but your Windows PC) that are no longer in your Android smart phone . The 0 Backup can also be set to perform backup action at fixed times (automatic scheduling), or only when your phone is charging.

The big advantage of using Windows’ shared folder is that you don’t need to install any additional software in the PC for backing up. However, it may be a tad confusing as to how to setup 0 Backup Gold for first timers at least. But the detailed help guide with screenshots in the developer website could guide one on what is required to be done on your Windows PC.

The user interface of Android 0 Backup app is well laid out and quite easy to navigate around. Downloading and installing the app is a breeze. Its low file size (316 KB) means that the app does not take up much system resources either. 0 Backup works with Android version 1.6 and higher.


0 Backup Gold App for Android makes backing up files from your smart phone to your PC a cake walk. The best part is that you don’t have to install any software in the PC to perform the backup. However, the compulsion to have both your Android device and PC in the same WiFi network is an apparent downside. To sum it up, 0 Backup Gold app is a handy backup application to have in your Android smart phones, for Windows PC users.

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