Social & Dating

Sorbees Android Twitter Client App Review
Sorbees Twitter client app has enough firepower within its fold to make a splash out there, its release coinciding with that of the official Twitter for Android app not withstanding. Android Sorbees app is certainly one of the few appealing twitter clients out there. It sports a clean interface, much to the relief of its […]

Wertago Android App Review
The City’s Night Life Right at Your Fingertips! Are you eager to know about the clubs, events, parties, bars and happy hours around you? Don’t worry. Wertago Android App can provide you with the details. Wertago app for Android is an award-wining mobile application intended for people who focuses completely on nightlife. This app was […]

Meebo App for Android
Name: Meebo App For Android Summary: Meebo is a multi-client instant messaging application for Android devices. It supports ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk, MySpace IM, Yahoo, MSN, and Aim. Users can also log into this application using a Meebo account. From this account, your chat history can be saved and accessed everywhere. With Meebo app installed […]