100 Planes App for iPhone Review

Airplanes capture the imagination of many youngsters. If your kid is also a plane enthusiast, 100 Planes app for iPhone might be able to provide the diversion you might need at times while in home. You can get 100 Planes app for $1.99 from iTunes App Store.

100 Planes App Features

Kids like to see vehicles and that includes airplanes. 100 Planes app for iPhone provides enough ideas to them for many hours of quite enjoyment. It provides planes and other plane related things. More specifically, the app has over 100 high quality photos and more than 15 videos of all sorts of planes: propeller aircraft, jets, gliders, transport planes, fighter jets, in-air tanking, airports and control towers. It even shows a space shuttle. Further, the app provides sound clips matching the images. Simply tap to hear the sound. It would have been great had the app provided a little bit more info about the aircraft shown in each shot. That would have made this app more interesting to younger as well as older kids.

It is a pity that the plane images are not zoom-able. A zoom feature would have made it possible to view more details of the aircraft. Also missing are historical plane images. The interface is pretty simple to use, making it suitable for kids to play themselves or watch it with their parents/grandparents. All the photos are native to the app that you don’t have to download them. 100 Planes for iPhone is not ad-supported fortunately. There aren’t any annoying ads blocking the view. 100 Planes app is compatible with iOS versions 5.0 or higher.

Final Thoughts

100 Planes app for iPhone is a simple app with a simple purpose. It entertains kids who are fascinated by airplanes. Its collection of pictures and videos provides endless hours of entertainment for the kids alongside stoking their curiosity to know more about these flying machines. Sound clips add a realistic feel to the images. Strangely, zoom feature is not activated. The UI is simple to use. The app is pretty stable and responsive. A useful app to teach kids about airplanes and its evolution over the years.

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