3 Things to Do iPhone App Review


3 Things to Do for iPhone is a productivity app that allows you to focus on the important things to do on a given day. Using this To-Do list app, you can add task for today and in the afternoon, create tasks for tomorrow. With tuneable daily notification also thrown in, you will never forget to plan your day ahead. 3 Things to Do app can be downloaded for $0.99 from iTunes App Store.


3 Things to Do for iPhone improves your productivity by forcing you to prioritize your tasks ruthlessly, and focus on the most important ones first. As the title of the app suggests, you start a day by focusing on the most important three tasks you wish to complete. It may sound basic. But if you have a tasks list that is growing rapidly to the point of being unmanageable, try this method. Surprisingly it works. It is pretty easy to add a new task. You can include a reminder if required. Further, the app notifications let you snooze your to-dos or mark them complete with a tap. The icon badge shows you how many of the included tasks remain at a given time. For a user, it is easy to keep track of the achievements. Just scroll to-do cards back in history and feel happy about how many things you have already done!


Of course, you can sync between iOS devices. The app also let you take a screenshot of your tasks list and share it with others via Twitter or Facebook. The UI of 3 Things to Do for iPhone is well designed. The layout is largely user friendly. The background color also looks nice. 3 Things to Do app requires iOS versions 9.0 or higher.


Keeping things simple and manageable improves your productivity at work. This is exactly what 3 Things to Do for iPhone does. The app forces you to prioritize your daily to-dos to three important tasks, therein giving you a clear perspective of the most important things to do on a given day. Adding a task and an associated reminder is easy. The app also let you keep track of past achievements in terms of completed tasks. The UI is user friendly. Check it out if you want a tasks manager that is simple and basic, but yet effective.

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