Name: AcroBible
Everyone can now bring the Bible wherever they are with the convenience of AcroBible app in Android devices. This application is a definitely a new way of reading the Bible on our own. It is designed to provide the best experience for all the Bible readers. In addition, it is an offline and native kind of application that you can always bring along with your mobile device.
User Interaction:
AcroBible app comes with a cost when downloaded in Android devices. With this app, you can be able to read the entire Bible text of the version of King James Bible. Wherever you are, you can fastly and conveniently access the application as you read and search the entire content. As you type the keywords, the application displays automatically the exact matching results in just few seconds. You can also quickly locate your favorite verses of the Bible with this application. Adding notes to any of the chapter of the Bible is possibly offered by this application by highlighting the verses you have chosen with colors. There are six colors available for highlighting. AcroBible application offers web synchronization feature on where you can synchronize your previous notes and highlighted verses.
AcroBibile app in Android devices is designed with a touch interface that is easy for searching and navigation. It features a subject index of commonly referenced verses, keyword search, bookmarks, and touch navigation.
Internet or WiFi connection is not required with AcroBible application since the entire text or content of the Bible are automatically stored in your Android device. The application covers both the complete versions of the Old and New Testaments. It allows you to create and manage your own list of bookmarks.
Utility and Productivity:
The AcroBible app is available for download in the Reference Section of the Android Market. If you want the full version of this application, you can get it from its official website where the application may include other versions.
The feature of AcroBible application functions as the back up or storage place for user’s highlighted verses and personal notes. In just one-click of a button, users can automatically upload to the site and restore their personal notes and highlighted verses. Even if users update the version of AcroBible application in their Android devices they can still restore their notes and verses.
AcroBible application has additional support for multiple languages. However, it requires an updated version of OS before it can be installed on your Android device. Also prior to installation of this application, you need an early version of it, an account from the, and a competed web synchronization setup.
Free public-domain translations are available for download for any versions of the AcroBible application in Android devices. Using multiple translations is also possible with this application wherein you can do switching between installed translations in your Android devices.
(9.0 out of 10) AcroBible lets you bring the holy book of Bible wherever you go. It gives you the convenience of reading the Bible anytime during your leisure hours. This application is definitely a must for those Christians who live their lives accordingly to Bible stories

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