Genuine Mensa questions of the kind used in official Mensa examinations are provided by American Mensa Brain Test. Every exam we take is different because there are dozens and hundreds of different questions. Brain Test is a game that tests our knowledge and skills in logic, math, language, and visual patterns. Choose the Training option if we are new to the software or only have five minutes. It will ask us five questions about the topics listed above. When we’re finished, it’ll give us a five-star rating. However, it will not inform us which questions we answered incorrectly. You can pick one of the usual test options if you have at least 20 minutes.
Tests your abilities
Short (20 minutes/20 questions), medium (40 minutes/40 questions), and long (60 minutes/60 questions) exams are also accessible. The app don’t appear to be able to stop any of the tests, so be sure we have enough time to finish the one we’ve chosen. While one minute per question may not seem like a lot, some of the questions are simpler than others, so the more tough ones have plenty of time. So take our time with the difficult questions and respond swiftly to the simpler ones. When we finish a test, the app displays a bell curve that shows how well we did. They don’t inform us how many of our answers were accurate. Assess our progress using a local score table, then compare our results to those of the rest of the globe using the Game Center global leaderboards.
Be a part of Mensa
Brain Test stores our test results so we may review them later. However, because this list is customizable, they may remove any tests that are particularly unrepresentative. Our results can also be shared with others. Anyone who achieves a score of 2% or above on a standardised intelligence test is eligible to join American Mensa. The Brain Test is for those who wish to put their talents to the test. It’s not a Mensa entrance exam, but it’s a fun task to do in our leisure time. Mensa is an international association for persons with IQs in the top 2% of the population. We can find out if the qualify for membership by taking an admissions exam administered by a licenced proctor. The app is priced $1.99 to download and use.

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