Apex Launcher Pro Android App Review

Apex Launcher Pro Android App ReviewApex Launcher Pro Android App Review

Apex Launcher Pro for Android has been around for quite some time, since the beginning days of Ice Cream Sandwich, allowing users at the time to get the new-fangled look and feel of ICS on their devices even if they weren’t running the software build. It is available for download on Google Play for $3.99.


As with almost every Android launcher currently on the market, Apex Launcher Pro app allows you to change the grid size of your home screens (up to a maximum size of 10 rows and columns) and adjust the fringes on the left, right, top and bottom. Icons can be made larger by as much as 150 percent or reduced to as little as 50 percent of their original size — a feature that usually only appears in the paid versions of other launchers. Endless scrolling allows you to cycle among your home screens without ever changing directions. Apex Launcher Pro also lets you facilitate or disable elastic scrolling, which causes the desktop or app drawer to spring up slightly when you’ve scrolled to the end of the page. Long-pressing apps and widgets open a pop-up menu, with options for Remove, Resize, App Info and Share. This handy feature saves you the trouble of having to drag icons to the trash at the top of the screen.

Apex Launcher Pro Android App ReviewApex Launcher Pro Android App Review

The customizable options for the desktop can also be applied to the dock and app drawer. Furthermore, like other Launchers, Apex Launcher Pro Android app made the dock scrollable to the left and right. Users can add up to five additional pages to the dock, and you can increase the number of icons per page to as many as seven. Apex Launcher Pro lets you adapt the app drawer as well, including its style, Horizontal Paginated, Vertical Paginated, Vertical Continuous or Vertical List, the method of sorting and the background transparency. Apex Launcher Pro also allows users to hide idle or unwanted apps from the drawer, a feature available only on the paid version of other Launchers. Anyone frustrated with excessive bloat ware will relish this ability. The app requires Android 4.0 and up.


One area where Apex Launcher Pro for Android seems to have the upper hand is custom themes, where in many cases the app will prop up custom themes that are made for other launchers. Apex Launcher is also a free home launcher but offers tons more customization options to those who are willing to drop a few bucks for the premium license.

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