Smartphones are like virtual assistants. We all depend on it for everything from waking us up in the morning to reminding of important tasks to providing entertainment. But what if your smartphone could send messages, turn on/off, enter/exit silent mode, or change profiles automatically? Well, that is what AutomateIt Pro app for Android makes your phone capable of. The app basically helps you automate various tasks on your smartphone that you don’t have to do it again. You can get AutomateIt Pro Android app for $1.99.
AutomateIt Pro App Features
AutomateIt Pro app for Android let you define a set of rules, based on which the different tasks are automated in the phone. It offers a number of pre-configured actions that include conserve power when the battery level is low, quiet at night when the screen is off, vibrate mode during meetings, max volume when the headset is unplugged, lower volume when the headset is plugged, unmute by SMS, and automatically turn on/off the speaker during a call using the proximity sensor, to name some of them. Apart from pre-configured rules, you can also create your own rules or download rules from the Rules Market.
When you first fire up Android AutomateIt Pro app, you’ll be able to see a number of actions set under My Rule. You can go through the pre-set rules and disable the ones you don’t need. It is also possible to edit the pre-set rules to suit your requirements. Click ‘save’ once you’re done with the editing.
As mentioned, you can also download rules from the Rules Market. To do that, simply tap the Rules Market section in the app’s main window. To download the rules created by other users, click on the one you want and tap Download Rule. You can also upload your own rules, post in Facebook or share it with your friends. However, you got to register your nickname to do that.
While testing the app, it performed reasonably well. It is pretty fast and easy to use. A big USP of AutomateIt Pro is that it supports multiple languages. As of today, the app supports about 18 languages. AutomateIt Pro is compatible with Android OS versions 2.2 and up.
AutomateIt Pro app for Android is essentially an automated assistant in your phone. Based on rules set by you, it automates various functions. Setting up the app is easy. You can use your own rules, pre-set rules or download rules set by others from the Rules Market. The app is quick and easy to use. Multi-language support comes to the aid of non-English speakers. But some of the features requires root. Verdict: Good one.

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