Best App Reviews Team Coco Android App

Feb 26, 2011  Best App Reviews Apps for Android Team Coco

Ah Conan, your media blitz has even included you in an app for Android; the illustrious Team Coco App on the Android Market.  Team Coco is a great app for those that love Conan O’Brien, TBS or late night comedy in general.

Comedy Clips

If you are looking for great comedy clips then this is the app for you.  That’s also one of the problems with the app, it just shows clips.  An improvement to the content of the app would immediately be adding full shows as opposed to just the teasers, but then again, it is free.  The problem though is that most app consumers as well as anyone that enjoys internet television is used to at least a full episode every once in awhile.  So, if you are looking for full episodes this is not the app for you.



Bands and Celebrities

One of the nice features of Team Coco is you do get a heads up on who will be on the show that night.  You can find out what bands and which celebrities will appear.  It also gives access to tweets from Conan and the show.

The app did have a rocky start with some technical difficulties.  Many were unable to view pics or clips and were faced with a dreadfully boring black screen.  Luckily, a recent update fixed that issue and now the HQ pics and clips have returned.


Fun App

If you were looking for an app that gives you access to all things Coco, then this is definitely the app for you.  It’s a fun app that is designed as a quirky and fun tool to track everything that is going on with the show and TBS comedy, but if you are expecting more (not sure what else could be expected) then skip the app and move to the next one.

Final Score

Best Apps is keeping this one installed on the Android phone simply to have a laugh or two every once in awhile.  Fans of Conan will appreciate the schedule and get a kick out of the brief moments of clip hilarity and photos.  TeamCoco occasionally runs a contest or two and the app is a great way to find out about those.

This app can bring a lot of laughs.  Best App Reviews scores Team Coco for Android as a 8/10.

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