Best Prompter App for iPhone Review

It is important that the speaker gets all the facts right, while making a presentation in front of a large audience. The best buddy for a speaker in such situations is a teleprompter. Now with the Best Prompter app for iPhone, you got a reliable teleprompter in your iPhones that could provide you with scrolling scripts, cue cards, or notes that might help you with the speech. Best Prompter iPhone app comes for $0.99.

How Best Prompter App works?

Best Prompter App for iPhone virtually turns your iPhone into a teleprompter. In terms of creating your notes and cues, you can set the header, font size and color as you wish. The app also supports BBCode text formatting, which allows formatting the text in bold, italic, lists etc and creating a table of contents with header tags. As in physical teleprompters, you can vary the speed of scrolling so that the text appears in sync with the natural speed of your speech. The app even gives you the estimated duration of your speech, by judging the speed of scrolling of text. Further, you can change text size, mirror mode, all caps mode on the fly, import and export text scripts via iTunes file sharing, and send text scripts to others via email.

In the iPhone Best Prompter App, you can copy/paste text from Web, Email, Pages or any other app supporting text copy operations so that you don’t have to type in everything all the time. The app also remembers the last editing portion of each document while the optional on-screen marker helps you keep your eyes in a certain part of the text. Even though Best Prompter app does not come with an audio recorder, you can equip it with one by making an in-app purchase for the same (for $2.99). An audio recorder lets you record multiple audio files for one script, record speech during a live presentation so that you can listen to it later and identify the problem areas, or share audio records via iTunes file sharing to your iMac or PC.

Best Prompter application got a very user friendly interface. The app works with iOS versions 4.0 and upwards.


Best Prompter App for iPhone is your portable teleprompter. From a user perspective, it provides lots of customizable options for preparing the text, plus features such as variable scroll speed, predicting the estimated duration of your speech based on scroll speed, optional on-screen marker, audio recorder, and integrations with email. The best part is that you can edit/add text at will until the last minute before the speech begins, and you’re in full control of your virtual teleprompter. Verdict: A must have if your job involves giving lots of speeches/lectures every week/month to a varied audience.

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