Are you interested in developing software to run on the BlackBerry? Do you have some experience in Java programming? Understand the concepts of configurations and profiles?
If you answer yes to all of these questions then you can start earning yourself some money with development of software for the BlackBerry. The latest editions of these phones are up there in competition with the Apple iPhone and if you have an idea for any apps that will be suitable for this platform then now is the time to take your opportunity and start working on development.
The platform is built on Java ME, a derivation of Java 1.3, however it does include specific API’s, so learning the Java Development Environment (JDE) will be essential if you want to program specifically for BlackBerry. The JDE can be downloaded at no cost and will allow you to efficiently create, package, test and debug your apps using a simulator. Of course, if you are really serious about doing this then owning a BlackBerry would be useful as even the best simulator isn’t quite the same as the real environment. However, this bit is going to cost you money so you want to be sure you’ve got your apps running as smoothly as possible and having done your market research here will pay off. Is your design something that others are going to want to download onto their phones? Or is it something specialist that only a few people are going to be interested in?
For additional support and access to new devices and API’s you should think about joining a BlackBerry developer program, or at least consider visiting some of the forums that are available and can offer great advice.
So, now you’ve got your apps written, you’ve tested them on the simulator, and trialed them for real, you just need to market it to the world!

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