Bring it down to Pure Math with AllSport GPS App for Android

Apps that will help you keep track of numeric data regarding your personal fitness are a dime a dozen on the Android, but that does not mean that they are all good. Apps that are the full package are indeed rare for this platform but AllSport GPS app for Android is certainly great at the mathematical approach to personal fitness.

Keep track of basic information

AllSport GPS Android app has one of the best interfaces imaginable for helping you keep track of basic information regarding your fitness workout. Using this particular Android mobile app, you can easily keep track of all of the routes that you go through when you are doing whatever fitness activity you prefer. Furthermore, it is possible for you to keep track of the distance traveled on all of those routes as well as the time taken, the speed at which you are traveling and the calories that you have burned in the process. The last two are derived statistics based on the distance traveled and the time taken, but they are highly accurate and will give you the information you need in order to make informed decisions along those lines.

Maximum configurability

Although many mobile apps will give you the ability to keep track of the statistics that were mentioned in the previous section, you will be hard pressed to find an app that will give you more functions and options for configuring your preferences than this one. The reason for that is that using the preferences and the configuration tools that are included with AllSport GPS Android app, you can create an interface that gives you exactly what you want in terms of information and places it right where you want it to be.

Connect to the internet for more functions

In addition to configuration and numeric data tracking, you can connect to the internet with your Android to download great routes based on information given by Bicycling Magazine. In addition to that, you can share workouts with other members and even include Facebook functionality with Android AllSport GPS app so that you can add a little web 2.0 flair to your fitness regime.

Final Score

Overall, AllSport GPS Android app has excellent numeric functionality in an area that sorely needs it. It doesn’t give you much more though and taking those two pieces into account has led us to give AllSport GPS app for Android a final score of 8 out of 10.

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