Clima Weather App for iPhone Review

Clima for iPhone is a colourful weather app that provides you current weather info at a glance. If you’re on the move or in a place with volatile weather conditions, it will come more than handy. The app looks a bit similar to Haze as well. You can download Clima app for $1.99 from iTunes App store.


Clima app for iPhone has a catchy design, thanks to its elegant colors and simplicity. The background gradient that goes from brick red to deep blue, and splits up each individual color into a thin bar that represents a certain temperature range is a nice touch. The typeface is easy to read, while the icons quickly convey the various attributes of weather information. For ease of use, the app makes use of swiping gestures to bring different kinds of information on screen. When you fire up the app for the first time, you’ll be prompted to enter your present location. The app will also show the basics of how to navigate the UI. The main screen displays the current temperature at your present location. Clicking on the centred color bar provides you further info such as sunrise/sun set info, precipitation chance, cloud coverage and wind. Pull down the screen and you can add more cities and chose the one you wish to display the weather information for.

Users can also access settings from here, which include choosing between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Further, a swipe up the current temperature screen will reveal the notifications view. From here, you can create a new alert when there are severe weather conditions like snow, rain, and temperature changes. From the main view, swiping to the right brings up an hourly chart of temperature, rainfall, and wind. Even though they say hourly, Clima brings up updates only once in three hours, probably owing to limited screen space. Swiping left on main view bring up the daily forecast wherein you can switch between wind and temperature. While testing out, we found Clima to be reasonably accurate. The app is also stable.


Clima for iPhone is a beautiful looking weather app. The notifications are all local notifications and not server driven push notifications. As a consequence, the app need to run in the background all the time, and it will have a little effect on your iPhone battery. The custom sharing info is nicely implemented. Customization options comes handy depending upon user preferences. We found the app to be slick and responsive as well. On the flip side, display of information on more than one city at a time would have been great for travellers. Overall, quite a useful weather app for its price tag.

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