Create a lot of options with Beautiful Widgets App for Android

There are many different options available to people that want widgets for the desktops of their Android devices. You can go with the many great free options out there, but if you would like to pay a little more in order to get a lot back, Beautiful Widgets app for Android could very well be the app for you.

Lots of choice

One of the major improvements that Beautiful Widgets Android app will give you over the average free app is the fact that you get a lot more choice. A normal free widget app might give you something basic, but Beautiful Widgets for the Android gives you a lot more.

You can get many different skins of 2×1 and 4×1 clocks and you can get different inputs for battery power, date, weather and everything in between. These are the widgets that most people want for their phones and instead of having to download a bunch of different apps from a bunch of different places, Beautiful Widgets for the Android will give you the chance to get them in one package.


If there is one strength to Beautiful Widgets app for Android that should be emphasized over anything else, it might be the fact that you can customize the widgets that you get with this app to a great degree. No longer do you have to worry about downloading a free widget app only to find that it really isn’t anything that you are interested in displaying on your desktop.

Android Beautiful Widgets application gives you the full power of creative thought. You can change colours, change sizes, swap different widgets out for each other and do everything in between. The power is there if you want to use it and that is one of the major reasons why this app is as popular as it has become.

Final Score

Beautiful Widgets app for Android is not a free mobile application. It will cost you a total of $2.80 when all is said and done, but you do need to keep in mind that you get a lot for that small amount of money invested . Overall, Beautiful Widgets for the Android has a lot to offer for that small amount of money and we appreciate this fact. That is why our final score for Beautiful Widgets Android app is 9 out of 10.

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