Derek Jeter Pro Baseball 2007 App for the BlackBerry

Derek Jeter Pro Baseball 2007 for the BlackBerry


Derek Jeter is a household name to baseball fans. As the star shortstop of the New York Yankees, Jeter has built up one of the best baseball careers in the history of the sport. Now that he is at the top of his game, he’d like to help you get to the top of yours with Derek Jeter Pro Baseball 2007. This BlackBerry app will allow you the chance to get at some serious baseball gaming action at any point during the day or night no matter where you actually are.

User Interaction

Interacting with Deter Jeter Pro is not easy compared to most of the BlackBerry programs out there, although it is by no means something that is out of the range of most BlackBerry users. You use the BlackBerry keys on both offense and defense to execute moves like hitting, running, stealing and bunting in the former mode as well as pitching, catching and throwing in the latter mode. Overall, the controls are about average in difficulty to learn, but once you sit down and actually start playing the game you can expect them to become programmed into your finger memory before too much time passes.

User Interface

Derek Jeter Pro is an exceptional game graphically. In fact, the graphics that you see in the game are about two years old right now and even now there are games that do not have the same level of graphics in their interface.

At the same time, the interface is highly functional and gives you all of the information that you need in order to play the game. Information about the score, the outs, the strikes, the balls and the inning is readily available and you can easily switch between the different screens in order to bring in someone from the bullpen or off the bench whenever you want. Working the interface and understanding how it works is simply a dream with this game and you’ll definitely have no problems with it if you decide to purchase and download this app.

Utility and Productivity

As far as game utilization is concerned, Derek Jeter Pro gets high marks because it is highly re-playable. There are many great games that you can only play through once and many great games that do not involve anything beyond that play through. This is not true of this game however, as you can easily play through the game more than one time without having to worry about losing interest. The game represents a baseball game and for that reason you can play it as many times as you want to without it going out of style. Since you can quickly game on the commute to and from work or school, productivity in the other parts of your life is not hurt at all by having this game on your BlackBerry.


Not only is this game fantastic, but it also meshes nicely with having a BlackBerry. Because of this ideal situation, this BlackBerry application gets top marks at 10 out of 10.

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