EpocCam Webcamera for Computer iPhone App Review

EpocCam Webcamera for Computer is a camera programme for your iPhone or iPad that transforms it into a wireless PC webcam. The surveillance programme works with a variety of apps, including Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facebook video chatting, among others. EpocCam is a great iPhone webcam app or baby monitor since you can just see the live video stream on your computer. With Epoc cam, you may use a wireless high-definition webcam to stream your online lecture, games, or vlog. YouTubers, vloggers, and game broadcasters will love the webcam app. Although this software only takes up approximately 5 MB of disc space, it does require some setup before it can be used. You can quickly transform your phone into a high-definition webcam for your Mac or PC.

Turn phone into a WiFi Webcamera

When you first launch the programme, you’ll see a screen with instructions for installing the webcam. To begin, you must first install the programme on your computer. Software drivers are available for Windows PC and Mac OS X, albeit only beta drivers were supplied for the latter. Anyone can set up an iPhone webcam app since it is so simple. You may get high-quality real-time video streaming to your computer with this monitoring programme, which is similar to most costly USB-webcams. You have the option to flip the photograph and utilise the flash. You may also alter the camera you’re using. Because the viewing programme on your PC does not have any settings, you must do everything via the app on your smartphone.

Play with lenses

A WiFi bar is also included in the software, which displays the quality of the connection between the iDevice and the PC. Snapchat Lenses featuring AR effects, animations, objects, and characters may be controlled with gestures. Add a second camera angle to your existing system with ease. EpocCam integrates smoothly with popular video conferencing and broadcast applications, making it ideal for business, online training, live streaming, and more. EpocCam can transmit camera footage to your PC over Wi-Fi, allowing you to travel around your local network while broadcasting. Use EpocCam to take use of your phone’s higher processing capability and appear just as professional online as you do in person. The app is priced $7.99 to download from iTunes App Store.

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