Express News Android App Review

Express News Android App Review

There’s nothing better than finding out what’s going on in your community … your city or state … your country … or anywhere around the world – when you want the information. And now, you can get it with Express News. This is an outstanding application, available through Android that gives you “instant access” to news and current events almost as quickly as they happen.

Application Name:

Express News App is made available by Handmark, Inc and enables users, like you, to find out, fast, what’s going on in the world around you.


This remarkable application actually gives you the very best, most up-to-date and relevant news on the mobile web without a browser. It’s easy-to-use and very effective. All you have to do is open Express News App and get instant access to more than 150 news feeds from major news organizations all over the world.

For example: you can retrieve the latest news from the Associated Press … for the Canadian Press … from Agence France-Presse … and from many, many more ,major and legitimate news organizations – over 150 in all! Who needs a newspaper … or a television network to find out the latest news in politics … world affairs … show business … sports … and anything else that you find interesting.

The news you want – all of it – is available inside your mobile phone. It just doesn’t get any easier than that. Better yet, this application is free.

User Interaction:

This is a great idea if you enjoy staying well-informed. You can access information and news almost as quickly as it happens.

User Interface: There are no special technical skills needed to use this application. All you have to do is “open the application” on the mobile web and – instantly – access news and information from 150 or more prominent world-class news sources. It makes newspapers virtually obsolete. And you won’t have to rush home to watch the network news on television at 6:00 P.M.

Utility and Productivity:

Express News is the one application that puts an experienced reporter “in your pocket” … gives you easy access to news throughout the day … helps you stay informed and knowledgeable. It’s a terrific application … and it’s available in 8 languages.


People who use Express News app really like it. People who use Express News app really like it. The price is right – its’ Free!  It is also so easy-to-use. You’ll find it, conveniently, right on the mobile web – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And, of course, you’ll find whatever news interests you – local, statewide, national … even international. Enjoy using it.

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