Fantastical 2 Calendar Reminders iPhone App Review


Fantastical 2 Calendar and Reminders for iPhone is a beautiful and intuitive calendar application that comes with user friendly features such as natural language parsing, reminders, and a beautiful week view. It also got lots of customization options that let you tweak it in the way you want. You can download Fantastical 2 for $4.99 from iTunes App Store.


Fantastical 2 Calendar & Reminders iPhone app provides different options to customize your calendaring experience. You just got to tweak it to make it work the way you wish. Its innovative split view let you see the month and your list of appointments on a single screen. The app also supports natural language input, and integrates reminders. Other major enhancements that come with the iOS 8 overhaul include a map on events with an address, a new light theme, the ability to open locations in Google Maps, and Google Chrome support. The app’s natural language support makes it easy for the user to add new events and reminders. You just got to scribble it down in plain English and the app will figure out all of the details before it gets added and saved to your calendar. This is the easiest and quickest way to add new events to the calendar without explicitly filling out the text fields.


Fantastical 2 for iPhone provide two calendar views: month and Day Ticker. The month view lets you see months at a time with colored dots to indicate when you have appointments, whereas the Day Ticker allows you see your meetings in a list view while highlighting today and showing you the next few days at-a-glance. You can easily switch between the two views anytime. Of course, you can easily search for events as well. The app also provides widget support. Using widgets, you can view your entire month at-a-glance, as well as the list of events that are happening today. Fantastical 2 requires iOS 9.3 or higher.


Fantastical 2 app for iPhone will come handy if you have lots of meetings scheduled during working days. It allows you to schedule events in the calendar with less effort. Natural language input support is a standout feature. The app also provides widget support as well as multiple calendar views. Searching for events is easy. You can find a map on events with address so that you can find the location easily. The app is also stable and responsive. Overall, a calendar app and reminder app rolled into one.

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