Find the Best Apps with Chomp app for iPhone

The name of this iPhone app is no mistake. Chomping on something is all about consuming it and that is exactly what this iPhone mobile application does. Chomp app for iPhone helps you find the best iPhone apps out there, allowing you to wade through all of the low quality products until you find a high quality one that you can really get behind.

Review and get reviews of live iPhone apps

Like most of the really good iPhone apps out there, Chomp mobile app is only as good as the strength of the community that is behind it. The reason for this is that people are giving short reviews for apps and it really is all about the quantity of good reviews out there that will drive you to get a particular app in most cases.

Two incoming and one outgoing mode

There are three modes in total that Chomp will allow you to be in with regards to iPhone apps. For most people, the first two incoming modes are going to be the modes that dominate the amount of time that you spend with this app. The first of those modes allows you to look at a live Twitter-style list of reviews that is updated whenever someone posts a new review. Reviews are short and to the point with a good or bad icon followed by a short sentence or so explaining why the review was positive or negative. If you’d like to follow a specific reviewer, you can subscribe to their feed in the second mode which allows you to see only reviews that are from people that you’ve decided to follow.

The one outgoing mode allows you to contribute back to the community in order to help other people make similar decisions. You can pick an app and then give a positive or negative review with the same type of short point to be made. If you got a valuable app out of the reviews that you followed, you should certainly seriously think about giving back to the community in the form of reviewing the apps that you’ve tried.

Final Score

Although there is something weird about an app that is all about finding other apps, it really is nothing more than a product of the fact that there are so many potentially good apps out there for you to use on your iPhone. Chomp iPhone app finder therefore serves a useful purpose and we’ve acknowledged that with a final score of 9 out of 10.

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