Guide to The World With Wikitude App for Android

Your Android is your Guide to the World with Wikitude App


Traveling around the world can be a fun thing to do, but the fun element is severely reduced if you know nothing about the places you visit. This can be true even if you go out of town for the weekend. If you have you Android with you however, you can now use Wikitude in order to gain information on all aspects of the place that you are in. This handy software package was designed by Philipp Breuss and represents the latest in new and exciting Google Android software.

User Interaction

Like many of the most useful applications available for mobile platforms like Android, Wikitude is an app that just has a simple point and click interface. You just scroll through the screens, click on the ones that interest you and then read up on the information that you just accessed through the click action. There is nothing special about the interface for this program because it goes with an intuitive interface design that has been used by mobile software applications for a long time in electronic circles.

User Interface

Wikitude contains an easy to understand interface that essentially reads like a visual guidebook to whatever region of the world you are in. With city skylines and dot maps as the backdrop to the actual information in text that is given to you about the areas that you are in, all you need to do in order to get everything that Wikitude has to offer you on the screen is make sure that you are observant whenever you are reading from your Android. Make sure that you don’t pay too much attention to the Android however, especially since doing that while walking is a good way to ask for a collision to take place.

Utility and Productivity

As far as travel productivity is concerned, this piece of software is easily in the conversation when it comes to picking the most productive software packages for the Android. Not only can you use Wikitude app for Google Android to get information about different sights and sounds around the world, you can also use the built in map feature to actually find your way to each of the places that has been discussed in the travel guide. That is something that even the most sophisticated travel guide won’t really be able to help you with if it is printed on paper, but the dynamic nature of software allows Wikitude to guide you to the attractions while at the same time telling you what they are all about.


Wikitude app for Google Android is a software package that is both easy to use and extremely useful outside of the area of gaming is quite rare. Usually, the really useful software packages also come with a bevy of complicated commands. This is not the case with Wikitude however, as all you have to do is click and read in order to get a decent amount of use from it. Because of that, we have awarded Wikitude app for Android a score of 9.0 out of 10.

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