Help Diabetes App for Android Review

Help Diabetes is a free Android app that certainly has a lot of potential. It can become feature-rich and functionally fantastic with a few more updates and even right now it is a software package that can help quite a few people that suffer from diabetes.

Keep track of meal information

Although when you are at home it is relatively easy to keep track of the foods that go into your body, most of us eat out relatively frequently over the course of a year or even a month. As a result, keeping track of meal information can become a lot harder to do. That is where this program comes in. When you are eating, all you have to do is look up the food that you are eating in the Help Diabetes table and you can get information that will allow you to add that meal into your overall tracking system. You can get information about the carbohydrates that you are taking in as well as overall kilocalories. You can even get information about the total fats and proteins too which will help you even more.

Keep track of information in multiple languages

Is English not your preferred language?  Is there another language that you would prefer?  Or do you have a friend or a relative that would greatly benefit from this app but they do not have the ability to read English? As far as Help Diabetes Android mobile application is concerned, that might not be anywhere near as big of a problem as you might think. This is because the app is available not only in English, but also in Spanish, Danish, Romanian, Norwegian, Italian, French, German, Dutch and Czech. If one of those languages is the one that can really help you out, it is certainly possible for you to keep track of all of this information.

Final Score

Although Help Diabetes is a great Android app, we have given it a final score of 7 out of 10. The main reason for this is the fact that their database is nowhere near as comprehensive as it could be. In successive releases, they need to make sure that they include information about more foods. The current information provided is great, but it does need to be there for more foods in the future. If they can accomplish that in their updates, this app could definitely be one of the best free Android health apps around.

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  • Can't find a way to export the records. Not much good if the info has to stay on my phone. I still have to record on paper to give to my doctor.

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  • Hi, IDownloaded the app Help Diabetes, but i did not receive any instructions on how to use it.

    Thank You

    Earl Wright

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