Herman the Hermit Best Apps for Android

Herman the Hermit Best Apps for Android

Herman the Hermit is an Android best app game that is getting a lot of attention. This game app follows the design success rule of taking something incredibly wacky, adding great graphics and simple controls, voila it’s a hit. Herman the Hermit lets the Android player control a hermit named Herman that has obviously spent his time alone training to become a gymnast in the 2012 Olympics. Herman has to get from platform to platform by jumping with the precision timing of a ninja.

This best app offers high res graphics with bright and crisp artistry. There are over sixty achievements to unlock so it has great playability and replayability. It’s a fun app developed by the same company that brought Where’s Waldo to the Android. The app is unique specifically for the hilarious power ups that give Herman special powers to achieve his missions.

The app is currently sold for $1.99 on the Android Market.

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