Icon Maker App for iPhone Review

If you always had excellent photos in your iPhone, thanks to the device’s camera, but could not find a suitable tool to crop it to make customized icons, the wait seems to be over. With Icon Maker app for iPhone at your disposal, now you can also make icons suiting your taste and preferences, for your iPhone and iPad. Icon Maker may be downloaded from iTunes App Store for a nominal $0.99.

How Icon Maker App is used?

Icon Maker iPhone app makes creating icons a cake walk. Under Icon Maker section, you’ll find the option to clip a picture/photo to make it into an icon. Further, you can press it to give the appearance you wanted, or add skins as you wish to prop up its looks. Icon Maker provides background shelves on which you can place your photos and icons of certain style to enhance its appearance. Once done with icon making, you can save your work to put it on the background of your app list.

In the new version of Icon Maker app for iPhone, you have frame shelves to make perfect icons, and have an option to add snow effects to the photos. Another notable aspect of Icon Maker is that you can operate the app in both landscape and portrait modes. It comes handy if you find that portrait mode is small enough to make edits perfectly. Once done with an icon, you can save it in your phone or share it to your friends/peers via email.

iPhone Icon Maker application works only with iOS versions 4.0 or higher. For best results, choose 114×114 sizes, even though it is possible to have custom icon pixels (such as 512×512, 144×144, 72×72, 57×57 as you like.


Icon Maker app for iPhone lets you have customized icons for albums library, for main background images, wall papers, and application UI image. It is easy to use for most parts. Verdict: A must have in your iPhone if you feel that your current crop of icons lack novelty.

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