iLock 2.1 app for Blackberry Review

It is important that your personal information remain secure in your Blackberry device. However, the security measures that comes with Blackberry follows an ’all or nothing’ approach. That is, either you block access to your Blackberry entirely, or let it open to the whole world to see. iLock 2.1 app attempts to tread the middle path by bringing in the concept of personalized security, wherein you can set to block access to select folders/files/module/application in your Blackberry, rather than blanket-blocking everything in your handset. iLock 2.1 app comes with a price tag of $0.99 per license.

The Application

After downloading and installing iLock 2.1 Blackberry app, the user is required to create and verify new password. Once you get to the main menu, you’ll find three different lists to choose from: Third Party, Core, and Own. Third Party covers all the applications that you’ve downloaded into your Blackberry. The list refreshes itself every time you open iLock 2.1. All the core functions are found in Core, under lock and key, while you can add your own items to lock from the system, SD card or store.

Setting an item to block is a cake walk. That is, items can be checked to mark secured, while clicking on them again will undo the block. You can even set to block your SIM card using this application. Manually added items can be wiped from the list, even though the same is not possible for items found under Core and Third Party. If someone attempts to open a secured item, the handset will vibrate, alerting them (also you if you’re nearby) of an incorrect password entry. Other notable features of iLock 2.1 Blackberry application include search feature, auto lock, and the option to add shortcuts. As it has been observed, iLock 2.1 is responsive, loads faster, easy to navigate, and quite handy to use.


iLock 2.1 app for Blackberry adds a new dimension to personal security altogether, by letting users selectively block access to certain folders/files/applications of their choice, in their Blackberries. Since you password protect each of the items you wish to protect in your Blackberry, third party access is next to impossible. The app runs silently on the background all the time, but it won’t drain the battery or take up additional memory either. Verdict: iLock 2.1 Blackberry app is a must have app to have in your Blackberry if you wish to impose selective accessibility to your files/folders.

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