Indoor Plant Guide for Android acts as your perfect guide to help you grow indoor plants. Indoor plants are more challenging to grow than outdoor plants. You must be able to maintain the right condition for the plants to flourish. You must also be able to select the right plant to decorate your houses. The app will help you maintain these indoor plants by teaching you all the tasks that us required. Tasks like putting, watering, feeding, pruning, propagating and handling issues like pests and other plant diseases. The app has curated information on everything about indoor plants which is exhaustive.
Know Everything About Your Indoor Plants
Indoor Plant Guide for Android is a simple and easy to use guide with a huge database of a to z about indoor plants. Each plant comes with an image and the respective data. The app has complete detail of over 8000 plant varieties. You can find the plants using searchable index. It has complete details that include scientific names, common names family, color, size, soil, food, water requirement. It provides details on how to take care of it including watering, potting, feeding and propagation. You will have data on different pests and diseases that will affect each plant. The app has NASA recommendation for air purification. A comprehensive glossary of terms and definition will help you complex plant terminology. You can take notes and save it in cloud. It has articles that cover interesting plant details.
Indoor Plant Guide is like an encyclopedia for indoor plants. It is not a service for plant identification or does it reminds you of tasks that you need to perform for plant care. It is a beautifully crafted guide that will help you gain more knowledge on how to grow indoor plants. If you find a plant profile missing, you can send the developers a request. They will ensure that it is added. The app costs $1.99 to download and use.

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