iPhone FoodScanner – Calorie, Diet & Weight Loss App

There are countless health apps out there that aid you in counting the calories you consume every day. However, FoodScanner app for iPhone provides one of the most effective ways to keep an up-to-date food log, thereby enabling you to maintain a healthy diet/plan your weight loss program. FoodScanner app works by scanning the UPC code on packaged foods, and within seconds, it provides you access to food label and comprehensive nutrition information. One more tap, and you can add the nutritional facts straight into your food journal. iPhone FoodScanner app comes with a price tag of $2.99.

The App

Scanning the barcode is done using your iPhone camera. That is, simply tap on the scan icon the screen, and position the onscreen guides over the barcode. The lines will turn green if the camera is positioned correctly. Once the food item is identified, you can enter the serving size, and add it to a specific meal. The app automatically compensates for little bit of shake/hand movements so that you can scan the barcodes without much trouble most of the times.

However, not all foods have UPC codes. But FoodScanner app for iPhone has covered itself for this possibility. It gives you the option to manually enter food items such as fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, including an option to upload a thumbnail photograph of the food item. Otherwise, the FoodScanner database covers virtually most known food items on earth, from McDonalds French fries to not so popular ones such as cherimoya or lychees, alongside a thumbnail photo of the same.

Further, on the home screen, the app displays everything that you ate for the day, and the total calorie intake. Unlike its previous versions, the current iPhone FoodScanner app lists food items under specific meals instead of grouping them into one list. Also, you can check back the meals you had in the previous days as well. However, it should be noted that FoodScanner is not a weight reduction app. It only aids you to count the total calories you take a day, and how to plan a meal based on its nutritional composition.

Final Thoughts

If you are on a diet, and is motivated to track down your daily calorie intake, then you must equip yourself with the FoodScanner app. Not only is it easy to use, but also comes armed with a comprehensive database of food items from around the globe. The FoodScanner app for iPhone is available for download from the AppStore for $2.99, which his reasonable given its features and utility.

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  • very usefull article thank you very because i'm in weight loss too

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