Apple updated several of its apps as part of the launch of the much awaited iPad3. One notable app in that list was iPhoto app for iPhone, a comprehensive photo editing app for the iOS. It brings to the table some of the most powerful image manipulation tools that are unrivalled at the moment. iPhoto app for iPhone can be downloaded for a very reasonable $4.99 from Apple iTunes App Store.
How iPhoto App Works?
iPhoto app for iPhone takes photo editing to a new level altogether. Using the app, you can organize photos, edit them at will, organize them into journals, or share it in SNS websites. The smooth touch experience of iOS devices ensures that iPhoto application works like breeze, the apparent complexity of some of its menus notwithstanding. However, while switching between the various albums and views, it might lag a bit.
You can’t delete any photo in iPhoto. Tapping on a thumbnail shows the image, ready to edit. Long tapping on a photo adds it to the light table, letting you make side-by-side comparisons (up to 12). If you attempt to add more, the last photo disappears, and the same is replaced by the text “and x more”, wherein ‘x’ is the no. of non-displayed images. Double tap causes the app to select similar pics.
Further, tap an image on the light table, and it’ll zoom, sans deselecting others. It is pretty neat to say the least.
Editing is easy. You can add filters (like in Instagram), auto correct the full image, crop/rotate using a neat dial or just using two fingers. Further, you can fix white balance, adjust contrast/brightness, and brush on adjustments.
The most notable feature of iPhoto iPhone app is also the simplest: just touch and hold the part of the image you wish to adjust; arrows pop out in four directions, and you just need to push in the direction you want to make adjustments. Adjustments include saturation, blue skies, and greenery and skin tones.
The best part is that the app detects what is under your finger, and activates only the options for that object. For example, if you’re touching the face, you’ll get options only to adjust the skin tone/saturation.
Journals are trailers for your photos. You can have any number of pictures added to the journal. Once assembled, you can drag the photos around, resize the pictures, and add captions. It is also possible to use it as a slideshow with music. Alternatively, you can share it via iCloud.
You can also share your pictures through Facebook, Twitter, and Flicker.
iPhoto app for iPhone might scare you off initially, thanks to its many controls and multitude of options. But once you get over the initial hurdle, you’ll realize that you have in your hands a powerful photo editing tool that has got few rivals at the moment. Verdict: A must have if you are a photo buff.

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