Jam with Solo App for Android

Solo app for Android was good before Eric Clapton got his hands on it, but now that he actually played the app to perfection on national television, there is no question that Solo Android application has become the guitar app of choice for the guitar playing population. It is a cheap app to purchase when you consider all of the features that it has.

Jam with lots of features

Solo app for Android is definitely the app to use when you are looking to jam with lots of features. Whether you are interested in looking at different chords and therefore would like to use the chord library or you are interested in creating your own chords, Solo Guitar Android app can definitely help you get that done.

Would you like to jam with music that you already have? Simply play the music on your phone and away you go as far as jamming is concerned. A capo options are available if you’d like to sing while playing and you can even create, save and later load your own chord layouts on Solo for the Android.

Choose your guitar

Not only will Android Solo app give you the chance to use all of these options, but it will give you the chance to use these options with pretty much any guitar layout that you can conceive. Are you interested in playing with the old-style tunes? The classical guitar option on this app might be what you want to have in that case. Would you like something that deals more with natural sounds? Go right ahead and change over to the acoustic guitar which does a great job of emulating the sound you might hear from a real acoustic guitar. Finally, the electric guitar option will give you the authentic sound common to the best of the guitarists in the modern age of music, allowing you to play along with the majority of modern songs.

Final Score

Solo app for Android will give you the chance to really play the guitar without having a guitar. There are of course limitations on how accurate an Android app can be when compared with the real thing, but you will find that Solo for the Android is about as good as it can get when all of these things are brought into consideration. We love Solo Android application and that is why even with the $3.98 price tag we would give it a hearty recommendation with a final score of 10 out of 10.

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