Max & Ruby: Max’s Mole Mash app for Android is a fun game wherein you got to help Max mash moles before Grandma gets home. Whether your kid loves the popular TV show, or you looking for a new game to try, Max & Ruby is definitely worth a look. You can get the app for $2.99 from Google Play Store.
Max & Ruby: Max’s Mole Mash Android app has two modes for the kids. First one, arcade mode is like a mole whacking free for all, wherein the only goal is to score maximum points while avoiding hitting toys and eventually, advance to the next level. The second mode, Puzzle mode is a bit tricky as it requires a keen eye to hit the moles, such as the ones that can be identified only based on the color of its helmets. Max & Ruby: Max’s Mole Mash for Android has eight different themes to choose from. Kids will love that as this helps to keep things fresh and new. Apart from the fun involved, the game also hones the quick decision making skills of kids, as well as reflexes.
Max & Ruby: Max’s Mole Mash app has lots of game play to keep you glued to the screen for minutes on end. For example, there is a bonus mini game that could be accessed if your kid finishes the necessary tasks to unlock it. Further, in both arcade and puzzle modes, there are an unlimited number of levels to play through. Parents will love the fact that Max & Ruby: Max’s Mole Mash has recently removed in-app purchases. Now they can leave their kids unsupervised without having to worry about credit card bills surprises. The UI is colorful and well designed. Performance wise, the app is stable and responsive.
Max & Ruby: Max’s Mole Mash for Android entertains your kids with its hilarious game play and never ending gaming options. Even adults will find the game quite funny and interesting. It is a positive that the game has no in-app purchases so that you don’t have to worry about unwanted surprises on your credit card bill. The app is stable and responsive for most parts. The UI is well designed. To sum it up, an exciting kid friendly game.

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