Name: Meebo App For Android
Meebo is a multi-client instant messaging application for Android devices. It supports ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk, MySpace IM, Yahoo, MSN, and Aim. Users can also log into this application using a Meebo account. From this account, your chat history can be saved and accessed everywhere.
With Meebo app installed in your Android device, you are able to log into your various instant messaging accounts and send messages concurrently without any charges. It is an application where you will never miss a single message.
The instant messaging functionality of Meebo app in Android devices allows you to send instant messages to anyone who has a Meebo account or any of the IM services account supported by Meebo. Every month the application can handle more than five billion messages.
User Interaction:
Meebo app in Android devices is a great way to store consolidated chat everywhere you go. It can be downloaded for free at the Android Market. Concurrently, you can log on and chat via different IM services supported by the application. You can view conversations, and both offline and active friends. Moreover, the application allows you to update your status message.
User Interface:
With Meebo application, it is your option to pick from the IM services of Yahoo, MSN, Meebo, Jabber, ICQ, Google Talk, and AIM. In able for you to sign in multiple accounts, you need to sign into one account first before pressing the menu button and then sign into another account. Once you are signed it, you are now able to view your friend or buddy list, however you cannot set up the list accordingly on how you want it.
Meebo application does not offer settings, which means you cannot change anything at all once you are logged in. What you see is what you get in the application. The application does not list aliases or provide you the ability to hide the users who are offline. This feature can really be very frustrating for you especially if you have tons of friends or buddies in every single IM account. Apparently, the application manages to keep you signed in most of the time without being disconnected frequently. In addition, when you are not inside the application, it still provides you with alert as well as the full messages that are scrolling in the taskbar.
The chat user interface of Meebo application in Android devices is organized and simple.
Utility and Productivity:
The usefulness of Meebo application in Android devices is best for those people who have a chatty or junky social network. It is best especially if you have more than just one instant messaging account. This application is very straightforward to use. You just need to enter your various network accounts and now you are ready to chat!
The frequency of usage for Meebo application may depend on the users’ needs for instant messaging.
Meebo application in Android devices is now becoming a popular web-based multi-messenger. Because of its simplicity and multi-functions, you can stay connected with your friends and loved ones using different IM networks.
(9.0 out of 10) Meebo application in Android device can deliver the functionality that imitates the traditional desktop IM clients. It runs in the background of your Android devices and delivers real-time notifications or instant messages as it arrives.

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