MiniPaint Imaging Editing App for Blackberry

MiniPaint is an imaging editing app for Blackberry. Similar to Windows Paint, the app is suitable to make non-professional image editing that does not require any high end image editing software. Using the app, you can crop/resize photos, add filters, or add text/clipart to the images. Blackberry MiniPaint app comes at a price tag of $1.99, and it is compatible with OS 4.5 or higher (OS 4.7 or higher for touch screen BB).

The Application

MiniPaint Blackberry app comes as a handy photo editing tool for your smartphone. In order to open a photo/image in MiniPaint, simply select an image from the photo gallery, press the Blackberry button and choose ‘open with MiniPaint’. The image opens in the MiniPaint window, and like in Windows Paint, you can edit, crop, rotate, or add effects to the image before saving it or sharing it via SNS such as Twitter (Facebook is not supported by the app at the moment). Since the MiniPaint application presents a copy of the image to you for editing, the originals saved in your Blackberry folder won’t get damaged anytime unless you save the edited file back to the same location, with the same file name.

Navigating through the MiniPaint application interface is a breeze. As you move the mouse over every button, a hover-over text shows the function/name of the said button. Further, every bit of photo editing done by you must be confirmed by ‘Apply’ before the change made ultimately takes effect. So if you did not like any particular effect that you’ve tried, you can just go back and try it again differently.

Further, when you try out filters, the app divides the image into half so that you can see how the image would look like with the filter applied. Keep in mind that applying filters to bigger images will take time as it will take time to load. Hence the app recommends smaller images for optimal results.

Finally, MiniPaint is compatible with PNJ and JPG files.

Final Thoughts

MiniPaint app for Blackberry comes with all bells and whistles that you might need to touch up a photo in your Blackberry before sharing it with others. The app provides reasonable performance with smaller file sizes, even though it lags a bit while attempting to edit bigger sized photos. Lack of support for Facebook is a big drawback of note. Otherwise, there are not many photo edit apps in BB that comes with as much features as MiniPaint does. Verdict: If you love touching up your images you took with your Blackberry before sharing it/saving it, MiniPaint app is the one for you.

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