Movies Android App Review

Movies App

If you enjoy going to the multiplex with your friends, you’ll love Movies,  number one movie App for users of Facebook, iPhone and now, Android, as well.
Movies provide instant access to you with all the information you’ll ever need about “the silver screen.” It’s a “for free” service and, as you’ll discover if you access it, a very useful application, too.

Application Name: Movies. It provides you with show times, movie schedules and much, much more, including a few pleasant surprises.
Summary: Movies by Flickster, Inc. enables users, movie lovers like you, to instantly access movie times at local theaters and get details and summaries of current box office hits and DVDs. Additionally, it allows you to watch very high quality trailers of movies that are currently in circulation or about to be released. With Movies, now available through Android, there’s no need to thumb through a newspaper for a movie start time or spend time calling your local theater on the telephone.

And Movies offers other services, as well, such as fun-to-read Movie Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, links to theater maps and phone numbers for every theater in your area. Best of all, as a new user, you can try it for Free.

It’s probably worth the “Free Trial.” In addition to the features already mentioned, Movies also watch videos, TV and films, entertains you with pop quizzes and personality tests and provides forums and Chat Rooms where you can meet other people.

User Interaction: It enables the user to find movie start times for local theaters and provides links to maps that help the user find the theater. Think of it as the modern electronic replacement for the local newspaper when you need information about a movie you’d like to see.

User Interface: This app is simple-and-easy-to-use. And it’s effective. It provides at-a-glance information for moviegoers, including start times and directions to the theater.

Utility and Productivity: It’s like having an instantly-available movie schedule always with you. And that makes it a great service for people who enjoy an evening at the multiplex.

Rating: (9 out of 10): Movies is an extremely useful and practical app for people who enjoy going to the theater, but never know the starting times of feature films or the directions to the theater. The application provides other useful information, as well.

Keep this in mind: Movies is currently the Number One online application for people who love watching movies, talking about movies, meeting other people who also love movies … even enjoy taking Movie Quizzes and Personality Tests. Get it … use it … and enjoy it. You’ll find that Movies is not just practical, but that’s it’s lots of fun, too. You may discover that, in time, Movies becomes one of your favorite applications. And remember: right now, you can try it for Free.

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