My Diet Coach Pro Android App Review

If you care more a healthy routine and keeping all your faculties enriched and functional then you have got to do much more than simply taking out time for exercising. For people with busy lives, staying within a routine and following a healthy lifestyle is quite a difficult task. But what is more difficult is keeping yourself motivated so that people who intend to lose weight do not fall out of their diet and exercise routines sooner than they joined. My Diet Coach – Pro for Android is an answer to every fitness query that people have relating to difficulty in sticking to a routine. It is almost like a virtual body which conducts the job of motivating and encouraging people at the right moments.


My Diet Coach Pro Android app provides you with everything from a diet and exercise planner to a custom reminder. You will also be assisted by a calorie counter, challenger tracks, BMR calculator and other diary events. Certain tips and reminders are offered from time to time in order to adjust to difficulties during diet sessions. Goal reminders, motivational photos and virtual rewards will help you stay on track and stop being depressed due to slow results. You weight loss progress can now be weighed and recorded. Also a pro weight chart can improve the experience further.

For those who end up guilty binging, the “Food cravings panic button” will help in curbing all such pangs and cravings. There are bar codes and tracking devices to help you keep track of carbs, proteins and fats. With hundreds of exercises and thousands of foods to assist you, you can personalize your diet and exercise routine just the way you feel they will bear great results. Besides all that, the app also has a ‘drink-water’ feature. Since, drinking adequately amount of water is essential for weight loss, this app helps to achieve that.


My Diet Coach – Pro is a highly useful app for Android users. An amazing opportunity to keep you motivated all year round, this app is just perfect for people of this generation. Moreover it is easy to use and operate. Users just have to make sure that their phones are upgraded to Android 4 or above. Though it is not free, the app more than makes up for the money it charges.

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