My Hurricane Tracker Pro iPhone App Review

Hurricane and tornadoes can be devastating. Hence it would be wise on your part to keep a tab of the storm development and progress and stay out of danger zone, in case you happen to live in one of those hurricane prone areas in the US. My Hurricane Tracker Pro for iPhone helps you do just that. It provides storm information in an easy to comprehend format, complete with Apple Watch support. You can download My Hurricane Tracker Pro for $1.99 from iTunes App Store.

App Features

My Hurricane Tracker Pro app for iPhone gives you the most comprehensive tools for tracking tornados, cyclones, tropical storms and weather warnings available. You can view each hurricane is exclusive interactive maps. The weather warnings it provides are obtained warnings from the National Weather Service. So it simply cannot go wrong. Users can also search for storms and storm patterns that dates back to 1851 (1949 for Pacific). It gives you a fair idea about the storm tendencies in a given place. With My Hurricane Tracker Pro app, you don’t have to keep it open on your iPhone to closely monitor weather changes. You have the option to set it to deliver push notifications when a new storm forms or weather changes happen. Radar, satellite and sea temperature images automatically updated so that you don’t have to refresh the app to catch the latest images. Users can also view an outlook for the next 5 days from the NOAA.

The UI design is user friendly. Despite the many features and options, the interface is never cluttered. Its controls also come handy. For example, you can track specific hurricanes and receive notifications every time they are updated just by pressing the “+” button. It also got Apple Watch support. My Hurricane Tracker Pro app requires iOS versions 8.2 or higher.


My Hurricane Tracker Pro app for iPhone gives you live updates and warnings about hurricanes and storm formations. Push notifications updates you about the latest weather changes, when they happen. The ability to watch storms and storm patterns from the past is a nice touch. The user interface is thoughtfully designed to provide a nice user experience. Most importantly, it does not look cluttered. Performance wise, the app is stable and responsive as well. Check it out if you’re thinking of downloading a storm warning app for your iPhone.

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