One Touch Flashlight App for Blackberry

Imagine about a power failure in your house during a thunderstorm, or a situation wherein your car had skidded off the road, and you desperately need a light/flashlight to signal for help. If you own a Blackberry, the One Touch Flashlight application could come to your rescue during such exigencies. The One Touch Flashlight app activates your Blackberry handset’s video light (and not the dim screen light) to provide you with bright light when and where you need it. Blackberry One Touch Flashlight application can be downloaded from the Blackberry App World for a modest USD 0.99 per license.

Features of the Application

One Touch Flashlight app for Blackberry provides bright light out of your smart phone, and this could be one of the reasons why the app finds a place amongst the top five Blackberry apps downloaded by users worldwide. Once activated, the video light will remain turned ON until you switch it off manually. Unlike other torch apps, this one does not come with a time out feature, wherein the light gets turns off after a fixed time interval since it was turned on. In a way, it is a quite handy feature of One Touch Flashlight since no longer you need to worry about the light going off, while you’re still in the dark. Another advantage of the app is that the light comes in a single color, and not in fancy multitude of colors.

The One Touch Flashlight app lets you switch on/off the Blackberry video light by a single tap on the icon. Also, using this app, the flash light can be turned on with a convenience key.
One Touch Flashlight app works in such a way that the power consumption will be minimal. The app switches on the video light without activating the camera, while the LCD screen dims automatically so as to save power, as the display screen in full flourish could eat up the battery significantly.

Final Words

When trying to find your way in the dark, One Touch Flashlight app for Blackberry will certainly lead the way. Unlike other torch applications, here, the light won’t get turned off unless you turn it off yourself. Given its power optimized operation, the app won’t drain the Blackberry’s battery in a big way either. Even though the One Touch Flashlight app comes with a price tag of USD 0.99, given its utility quotient, it is worth the money spent. Verdict: A very handy flashlight app to have in your Blackberry.

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