Organize Lots of Information Easily with Open Home App for Android

As smart phones and their platforms continue to get more complicated with the passage of time, solutions for storing and displaying all of that information easily continue to become bigger problems for the app community to deal with. Although it is by no means perfect, Open Home app for Android will give you a very good way to sort through a lot of information.

Ultimate customization

Ultimate customization is probably the key phrase for everything that you can do with Open Home for the Android. If you need to customize information regarding the different programs that you have on your phone, Open Home Android app will let you do that. You can pick exactly where to place the icons that you need and that in turn allows you to make sure you have access to everything you need.

Widgets come in very handy here, especially when you have the ability to place them wherever you want on Android Open Home app. Things like the clock, search bars from Google, network connectivity bars and everything else can be moved around to help you give your screen the most room possible.

Finally, you also have the ability to organize all of the icons within skins that suit your fancy. It’s not all about functionality since you still want the screen to look good at the end of the day and that is exactly what the skins will allow you to do.

Multiple screens for huge amounts of information

If you feel that the icons and widgets that you want to keep around are not really going to fit on one screen, the really great part about Open Home app for Android is that it supports the use of multiple screens. This will let you easily rotate back and forth between different screens, storing your critical information on the main screen but also having secondary screens available for all of your frequently used yet non-critical icons and widgets. Add into the mix the use of Live Folders that allow you to access data without launching applications and what you have is a recipe for time-saving practicality that has the potential to be one of the best apps ever created.

Final Score

Bugs and glitches still do exist for Android Open Home app, but it is a good app now with the potential to be truly great. Right now, we’ve given Open Home Android app a final score of 8 out of 10.

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  • There are 2 favorite apps of me: Open Home and Refine Efficiency. The development of them is in progress and we get new features (with new bugs) regularly.

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