PatternLock Lite App for Blackberry

PatternLock Lite app is tailor made for the touch screen Blackberry. With the app, you first define your locking pattern, and in order to unlock the screen or any application next time, you got to trace your finger in the pattern you drew before. A wrong pattern will not unlock the device. The full version of PatternLock Lite application for Blackberry comes with a price tag of $2.99.

The Application

The lock screen of Blackberry PatternLock Lite app comprises of a 3×3 grid, on which you are supposed to draw the pattern. As you drag your finger on the screen, the app will highlight the path you are taking. Once you done with the dragging, and lift your finger, the screen will unlock if the pattern you’ve drawn is correct, while an incorrect pattern will change the color of the pattern path. If you’ve gone wrong with the pattern, the app may or may not request you to repeat the procedure depending upon the settings.

Through the Blackberry app’s options and settings, you can change the theme, background images, the icons to represent the various dots, or even the color of dots and the way they visually respond to touch. That is, you can set colors to represent the path you trace, correct/incorrect dots, rings, dock trays etc. Another feature of the app is that you can set the app to lock/unlock other apps. The apps are classified into three categories: currently running apps, built-in apps, third party apps. There is also an option wherein you can customize the ‘lock message’ that is displayed when you/someone gets the lock pattern wrong. Also, you can either opt to activate the lock manually or set it to auto-lock after a fixed time interval.

Another noteworthy feature of PatternLock Lite app for Blackberry is its location based lock feature. That is, you can set the app to lock your Blackberry when you’re in the office, and leave it open for anyone to use at home. It is also worth mentioning that the app is compatible with Bellshare’s BerryWeather application.



PatternLock Lite app for Blackberry is all about drawing certain patterns to unlock your touch screen Blackberry screen/app. But in order to preempt anyone from cracking the pattern by trial and error, you can set the maximum number of tries and the time duration of lockout period before they can try again. For the complete set of features, go for PatternLock Lite’s full version that comes with a price tag of $2.99.

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