Personalize your Television Experience with App for iPhone

Television watching is not so much about schedules anymore. Starting with TiVo technology and continuing through to everything available today, it is more about finding the show that you like, recording it and then watching it later. This allows you to personalize your television experience to a great deal and the iPhone app can help you do just that.

Get an easier handle on television content

No matter where you are, signing up for an account will get you universal access to the account and database. This in turn will allow you to download content that will give you information about all of the television shows and movies out there. Based on your previous choices, you can get recommendations for content and you can then take a look at all of the television shows and movies that are available to you for watching on your iPhone device using mobile application.

iPhone app has a simple interface that allows you to quickly and easily select what you want to watch, pay the download fee if one exists and then watch the show you want. Once you’re done, you can even request similar content to see if there are other movies or shows out there that have things in common with what you just watched and liked.

Create additional features to help you even more

The similar show feature in the iPhone app is a nice one, but you can also search for movies and television shows you didn’t like and find their similar points. This will allow you to either avoid those shows entirely or watch them in the hopes of finding a show with similar themes that you like rather than dislike. You can also create your own television listings to ease the task of finding the next thing to watch. Reminders can be set if you feel like sticking to the available schedule and of course you can rate and/or comment on shows to make it easier for other people to follow the action at all times.

Final Score

At the end of the day, the television experience is going to be a big part of the lives of most people. If you have an iPhone, app for iPhone can positively change that experience for you forever and that is something that you cannot ignore. We’ve given iPhone app a final score of 8 out of 10.

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