Pocket Auctions eBay Android Application

Pocket Auctions eBay Android Application


Bonfire Media’s latest brainchild for the Google Android has been released onto the marketplace as the Pocket Auctions for eBay application. This handy app will allow you to use eBay while on the run, checking your auctions and bidding on new ones from the comfort of wherever you happen to be at the time. Even if you have no computer you have no problem because this top notch software is now available on the Google Android and several other mobile devices as well.

User Interaction

If you have ever used a web browser on your cellular phone, you already know how to interact with Pocket Auctions. In fact, one of the main goals of Bonfire appears to have been to keep the overall interaction with this software as close to actual eBay interaction as possible. A lot of the controls are the same and the point and click functionality is very close to what you would get from the world’s largest online auction site. You simply click on auctions to view them and then enter in maximum amounts you are willing to bid. Overall, it is simple, yet extremely effective at the same time.

User Interface

When you initially open Pocket Auctions, you are faced with a menu containing the eBay logo at the top and a number of different buttoned options at the bottom. These include changing the settings, chatting with friends, looking at some of the latest deals or checking out your eBay profile. There is also a search bar present to allow you to search for auctions right away.

The main interface screen is probably the auction list screen however, which comes up when you are browsing available auctions or searching for a specific item. You can view currently active auctions, auctions that have just been completed or even check the price for some of the items that are on auction right now.

Once you click on a specific auction, you are faced with a condensed version of the auction screen that you would see on eBay. The main picture is present if one has been uploaded and information about current price, shipping costs, number of bids and amount of time left in the auction is front and center for everyone to see. Basic information about the seller and the auction can also be seen on the main screen. Your options like bidding, watching and looking at the item in more detail are also accessible from this screen.

Utility and Productivity

eBay is a great website, but all too often it can end up monopolizing a person’s time at home. By placing Pocket Auctions eBay app on your Android, you will be able to look at auctions on the run. This will limit the amount of time you spend on eBay, saving you time at home and making sure that you don’t spend too much money at the same time.


The inherent value of Pocket Auctions eBay Android application package is everywhere. Because of that, we’ve rated it 9.5 out of 10.

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  • What's up?, can anyone able to recommend on good free ebay app which can bid automatically just before the auction finishes? (I cannot remember the correct term for this. thanks

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