Press RSS Reader Android App Review

Press RSS Reader Android AppPress RSS Reader Android App

Are you losing out on current affairs and developments in the real world, being tied up in restraining work schedules? Well, not anymore! Press (RSS Reader) for Android will provide you with complete independence to enjoy your favorite news and use the RSS client for the major and the most prominent syncing services. It is superb clean and super fast, yet not compromising on style and design. This news reader is one of the best that Android devices have seen in a long time. What really grabs the eye is the attention to detail that has been duly configured within every passing frame. Press RSS Reader costs $2.99 at Google Play Sore.


So, what do we all look forward to while using any app on Android? Well, obviously the no ad screen! Since, it is difficult to get one, it is a sought-after one. Press app offers that facility with pride. Android loyalists would love to know that it syncs perfectly with Feed Wrangler, Fever, Feedly and Feedbin. However, there is one feature that all users have unanimously appreciated and that is the light and dark feature. The immersive mode which can be activated while reading any articles is a perfectly functional one. Liked some latest news or want to read it later? You can now save any news page through a single tap directly to Instapaper. The offline viewing features have made Press (RSS Reader) app even more function-able and convenient in every way. Both offline reading as well as image caching can be done with it.

Press RSS Reader Android AppPress RSS Reader Android App

The background syncing works perfectly and the widget for lockscreen support is great for Android 4.2 and above. It should also be mentioned that navigation through all the articles are pretty simple due to the easy swipe feature. There can be no issue regarding missing any news. You can always use the read-unread feature to mark the articles you have read from the ones you haven’t. Thus, your little reading room stays clean. To sum it up with the remaining ‘wow’ elements, the app has image zooming feature along with several others like article text alignment, reading font and style change, DashcLock extension, Youtube Support and many more! Press app requires Android 4.0 and up.


Press RSS Reader app for Android is simply brilliant and extremely useful. The loading times are great and there is no way you will lag behind in the competition as the app allows scope for all important and updates news. Also, language is not a problem at all. So, basically the app’s efficiency is something that makes it standout among several other news apps in the Android market.

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