Procrastinate with Do it (Tomorrow) App for iPhone

Usually, people don’t really need help procrastinating as putting off to tomorrow what can be done today is something very easy to do. Although the title of Do it (Tomorrow) iPhone app implies that it is a mobile application to help you procrastinate, reading between the lines reveals that this is actually a brilliant fake that is anything but ordinary.

Procrastination station

Do it (Tomorrow) iPhone app bills itself as being the procrastination station on the iPhone. In this way, it seems like the anti-productivity app since it allows you to set tasks for today and then push those tasks to tomorrow when you get reminders to do them. After all, the makers of the app want you to party today and work tomorrow right?


Actually, this is probably not what they want you to do. Although you’ll try to procrastinate, using this app actually probably makes it a bit harder to procrastinate because that reminder will be staring you in the face on your iPhone whenever it comes up. Although this might make it easier for some people, others will be goaded into doing the task just because of how silly it will be on an intellectual level to leave it to tomorrow. This is a brilliant case of reverse psychology at work and for some people it could be just the anti-procrastination procrastination app that they’ve been waiting for.

Easy use makes the switch even better

In addition to the great psychological elements to Do it (Tomorrow) iPhone mobile app, you can benefit from the fact that it is easy to create a to-do list for both today and tomorrow. It is easy to set reminders and it is easy to make sure that you check off the done items so that you can always see exactly how much progress you’re making when all has been said and done.

Final Score

Whether you want to procrastinate or you want to be more productive with your time here and now, Do it (Tomorrow) app for iPhone has the in for you. Can you use the basic elements as a direct attack? Would you feel the reminder goading you into getting something done today? It really depends on you, but whatever you choose to do you can be sure that this app will back you up all the way. Our final score for Do it (Tomorrow) iPhone app is 8 out of 10.

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