Push Notifications for Facebook and Twitter with Boxcar App for iPhone

There are plenty of different apps out there that act as clients for a web 2.0 site like Facebook or like Twitter. However, when you look at the number of mobile apps out there that will give you client status for both, the number decreases. When you narrow the list down even further through push notifications, the end result is a handful of apps and even fewer decent ones. Boxcar app for iPhone is definitely one of the decent ones.

Push notifications for Twitter

No matter what it is you want to do on Twitter, Boxcar iPhone app will give you push notifications whenever something new goes down. If you want to review your direct messages from your iPhone, this app will let you do that. If you want to look at replies to tweets that you’ve made, once again all you have to do is take a look at the iPhone app in order to get those notifications.

As a matter of fact, you can get the same functionality with both searches and trending topics with Twitter in the latest version of Boxcar iPhone mobile application. All of these things are very impressive aspects of iPhone Boxcar app. Add to that the fact that Boxcar for the iPhone supports an unlimited number of Twitter accounts and what you have is certainly something very special.

Push notifications for Facebook

No matter what the Facebook alert is, Boxcar app for iPhone will automatically coordinate with the Facebook Connect service in the background and deliver those alerts right to your iPhone when they take place. Do you have a particular proclivity towards wanting to know about wall posts as soon as they take place? What about private messages? Push notifications are enabled for all of these aspects of Facebook when you use Boxcar iPhone mobile app to connect to your Facebook account.

Final Score

Boxcar app for iPhone has some great features and it has demonstrated an ability to improve and add functionality over the course of time. These are the two things that you really want in any iPhone app, but they are absolutely critical in web 2.0 apps that act as iPhone clients. Because of this and because of the fact that we appreciate the excellence of this app, we’ve given Boxcar iPhone app a final score of 9 out of 10.

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