QuickVoice2Text Email PRO Recorder iPhone App Review

QuickVoice2Text Email PRO Recorder iPhone App ReviewQuickVoice2Text Email PRO Recorder iPhone App Review

QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder), as the name suggests, is a recorder app for iPhone. Its SpinVox feature allows users to send emails using just voice and few touches. Virtually no typing required. You can download QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder) app for $2.99 from iTunes App Store.


There are not many apps that come close to the awesome features that QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder) for iPhone brings to the table. Using SpinVox, one could send emails using voice in less than 30 seconds without any typing. The app also has an option to provide useful voice reminders for activities that you are going to attend such as meetings, lectures, and parties. QuickVoice sends voice notes via messages, therein making it easy for the recipient to understand the info passed across. QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder) also allows you to capture interesting sounds that you can later use as ringtones. By recording different sounds and assigning it to your different contacts, you can easily identify the caller without even looking at the number being displayed on the screen.

QuickVoice2Text Email PRO Recorder iPhone App ReviewQuickVoice2Text Email PRO Recorder iPhone App Review

It should be noted that your download of QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder) for iPhone also includes a bonus copy of our $15 award winning computer software, QuickVoice for Mac or Windows. As per its developers, both QuickVoice2Text Email for the iPhone and the computer “companion” app are ideal for capturing ideas, voice memos, dictation, “to do” lists, classes, meetings, even entire lectures and seminars! The app is ideal for professional, educational, and personal use. The UI of QuickVoice2Text Email app for iPhone is well designed and easy to use. The recording buttons are also displayed prominently on the interface, so are the multiple options to share your audio clip. We found the app to be pretty stable and responsive as well. QuickVoice2Text Email requires iOS 7.0 or later.


QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder) for iPhone is a recorder app that allows you to prepare an email without any typing on the keyboard. It also let you record sounds that you can use as ring tones. The QuicVoice for Mac or Windows that comes with the app is a bonus. The UI of QuickVoice2Text Email is user friendly. The app is also slick and responsive. Overall, a perfect app for professional and personal use.

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