Inclement weather could spoil your daily plans and routines. We cannot just escape its consequences or device a plan B if you don’t have any idea as to what is coming. But here is an app – Radar HD – Future Weather Radar and Severe Alerts for iPhone – that could work as your eyes and ears as far as weather info goes. It is a high-resolution predictive weather radar (future radar) and forecasting app that could tell you precisely the weather heading your way. The app may be downloaded for $1.99 from iTunes App Store.
What is it about?
Radar HD – Future Weather Radar and Severe Alerts app for iPhone provides hurricane forecasts, tracks and projected paths, tropical storm information, severe weather alerts and satellite cloud cover images around your current location. The app uses a user friendly format to detail the various weather aspects in your area. For example, the radar map shows areas of current precipitation. A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow, hail, etc.), and forecast its future position and intensity. Precipitation type is indicated by the color wherein green indicates lesser precipitation while the yellow code shows intense precipitations. The color code red is indicative of the most intense precipitations whereas blue indicates snow.It also tracks tropical storms and hurricanes for locations worldwide. The data it relies on is from Storm Prediction Center and Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (SPC & GDAC), meaning you always get to see reliable and relevant info.
Radar HD for iPhone also provides you information on areas affected by storms and severe weather, coordinates and wind speed, as well as storm tracks and path projections.Satellite images provide an excellent view on the clouds in the sky, and this could give you a fair indication of what to expect. It is also possible to check out on the weather at your favourite places on maps. Mark you favourite places on the map, and you can catch the time and weather at said locations in a quick glance. The UI of Radar HD is well designed. We found the app to be stable and responsive as well.
Radar HD app for iPhone provides precise and reliable weather and storm forecasts in your area. The real time radar images provided by NEXRAD an accurate view of the weather situation in the U.S.As of now, the app provides weather forecasts in over 130,000 locations worldwide. The ability to play, pause animations at any zoom level is a nice touch. Storm / hurricane / typhoon tracker and projected paths comes handy if you happen to leave in one of those hurricane prone states. As the app is available in a number of foreign languages, non-English natives can also use it sans any trouble. Overall, a well-rounded predictive weather radar forecasting app worth checking out.

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