ReadEra Premium Book Reader Andorid App Review

ReadEra Premium for Android is a book reader that lets us read PDF, EPUB, Word (DOC, DOCX, RTF), Kindle (MOBI, AZW3), FB2, DJVU, TXT, ODT, and CHM files for free and offline. “Quotes and Notes” section is included in the premium features. All of the quotations, notes, bookmarks, and evaluations from all of the books and papers have been gathered in one location. We may use our typefaces to read books and papers after they have been uploaded. We can choose between full, short, thumbnails, and grid views while viewing books and documents in the library. Extra colours can be used to emphasise quotes or content in books and papers we’re reading. We can work with quotations and notes using a thoughtful, basic method.

Includes many premium features

Thumbnails for all pages of a book or document being read – enabling rapid visual navigation through the book or document. ReadEra for Android is a book reader that reads all common book formats, as well as Microsoft Word documents and Kindle mobile files, all in one software. Book and document auto-detection where we simply download an Epub book, a PDF magazine, Microsoft Word documents, or a PDF article from the Internet and they will display in the reader for us to read. Authors and series are grouped together. We can create own themed collections with the Collections tool (bookshelves). At the same time, we may add books and papers to several collections. The current reading page is being saved. Table of contents, bookmarks, quotations, notes, and other ebook choices are all easily accessible. We can use thumbnails, the progress line, or the page number pointer to navigate the book.

Book reading made easy

When reading books, there are four colour settings to choose from: day, night, sepia, and console. Adjust the screen orientation, brightness, and page margins in PDF and DjVu files. Type of font, size, boldness, line spacing, and hyphenation may all be customised for Epub, Fb2, Kindle (Mobi, Azw3), Microsoft Word, TXT, and ODT files. When reading PDF and Djvu files, we have the ability to zoom in and out. In books and documents, highlight text with colour; add own remarks to the selected texts. The book reader enables for simultaneous reading of several books and papers. Even when files are changed or destroyed, the reader identifies duplicate files and preserves bookmarks, quotations, notes, and the current reading page. The app is priced $7.99 to download from Google Play Store. We only have to pay once and ReadEra Premium will be available on all of our devices.

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