By default, every file you download into your Android phone gets saved in the Downloads folder. While it might not be a problem initially, overtime, the files starts to pile up in the Downloads folder that you’ll have a hard time sorting it out. Redirect File Organizer Pro app for Android is a handy utility that to automatically redirect and sort out the files that you’ve downloaded to your Android phone. You can get Redirect File Organizer Pro for $1.99 from Google Play Store. The app also comes in a free version.
Redirect File Organizer Pro Features
Here is how Redirect File Organizer Pro for Android works: it let you create four types of ‘redirects’ so that you don’t have to manually organize your files using file manager. Those ‘redirects’ are:
1) New Simple Redirect: It let you automatically sort your files based on pre-set rules.
2) New Custom Redirect: This one let you sort and move your files based on their file types. For example, you can redirect files with .jpg, jpeg, .png and .gif extensions.
3) New Folder Redirect: Here, you’re practically moving contents of a particular folder into another.
4) New Name Direct: Similar to custom redirect, but you’re using names to sort the downloaded items.
Redirect File Organizer Pro is pretty simple to use. Once you install the app, choose the redirect options of your choice and you’re ready to go. It also has an option to enable SD card support. That is, you can transfer your files to SD card using New Folder Redirect option. The app is stable and responsive.
Further, Redirect File Organizer Pro is non-obtrusive. It runs in the background so that you can multi task. Other features include support for blacklist/white list, ability to undo/redo previously edited redirects and support for themes and widgets. Of course, you can edit your redirects anytime you wish. Redirect File Organizer Pro is compatible with Android OS 2.3 and up.
Final Thoughts
Redirect File Organizer Pro for Android help you download and organize files without much hassle. It works seamlessly once you choose the redirect options. Support for SD card is useful especially if you have bigger files to download. The app is pretty stable and responsive. On the flip side, there is no redirect preset for images. Verdict: If you often download files in your mobile phone, perhaps this might come just handy. Worth checking out.

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