Reeder 3 iPhone App Review

Reeder 3 for iPhone is a news reader app that packages your favorite online written media. Further, it also loads posts saved on the popular article bookmarking app, Instapaper. But to use the app, your iPhone must be running iOS 9 or higher. You can get Reeder 3 for $4.99 from iTunes.


Reeder 3 app for iPhone organizes articles from handpicked websites chronologically, so that you’ll get to read the most popular and updated contents all the time. The app can sync with Feedly, therein delivering a wealth of curated RSS content. Reeder 3 for iPhone also joins Microsoft OneDrive and Amazon Video to support iPhone 6s new pressure sensitive 3D touch screen. That is, you can press lightly on an article to view a preview wherein pressing harder allows you to view the article in full screen mode. Typical of similar apps, you can mark an article read/unread or as favorite (star). Simply drag an article upwards to do so.

Reeder 3 app features a “Safari View Controller” that equips its in-app Safari web browser with a range of new iOS 9 features such as ad blocking and password autofill. In essence, this makes Reeder 3 a potent news aggregator equipped with a fully powered mobile web browser.
Notable features include font options for the article viewer, option to hide smart folders in unread/starred view if there are no unread/starred items, archive folder in ‘all items’ view mode, and multiple themes to customize your reading experience. Some themes such as ‘Black’ is ideal for night reading. The app is also reasonably stable and responsive. One apparent downside is that the app runs only on iPhone having the latest version of the iOS.


Reeder 3 for iPhone is a news reader tool with support for multiple services including Feedly, NewsBlur, Instapaper and Readability. The app also supports local/standalone RSS with no sync. You can choose from multiple themes to improve your reading experience. The ‘Safari View Controller’ essentially gives users a reading experience similar to iOS9’s Safari. Overall, the app is easy to use; marking an article read/unread or star is a straightforward process. You can also change the fonts to suit your preferences. Check it out if you’re scouting for a reliable news reader tool to read your favorite online written media while on the move.

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