Rego app for iPhone Review

Rego for iPhone help you keep track of places and routes. It let you mark your favorite places while exploring a city. Essentially, it let people keep track of where they’ve been, where they are, and where they want to go. You can get Rego – Manage your favorite places and routes app for $14.99 from iTunes App Store.

Organize Your Places and Tracks

Rego for iPhone is like your own travel guide in the pocket. It let you keep track of your favorite places and make sure you remember them with photographs. Simply search for the place you want, add it to a collection or folder, give it a note, and then choose the photos to add. The app does not limit the number of photos one place can have. So how does people use Rego? Travellers use the search and discovery tools at the Rego website to plan their trips, and import those places into Rego for iPhone. Then while traveling, they use the maps and pins to get around, discover new places and capture memories in photos and notes. Similarly, hikers load Rego with the tracks they plan to walk, and then use Rego to select nearby routes and to stay on course. Likewise, photographers use Rego for iPhone to bookmark and review potential photo shoot sites with customers, and real estate agents use it to bookmark their listings, complete with reference photos and notes.

Using the app, you can organize your places and tracks into collections and folders, and highlight your places and tracks with pin colors and favoriting. It is possible to navigate within Rego for iPhone using external apps such as TomTom, Google & Apple Maps, Navigon, Waze or HERE Maps. You can also share places and tracks with others via email, message, WhatsApp etc. Integration with Dropbox let you to backup and restore your data securely with ease. Rego requires iOS 9.0 or higher.

Best Travel Guide App

Rego app for iPhone let you track your favorite spots for referring back to later, or when you simply want to show someone a place you like to go to. It keeps all your spots neatly organized by distance in the list, and you can view them as pins on a map as well. The option to use external apps such as Google Maps or Waze to navigate within Rego is a nice touch. The UI layout is largely user friendly. We found the app to be stable and responsive as well. Overall, a nice traveller app that would come handy to hikers and travellers.

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