Remember each day for a year in your life with Project 365 App for iPhone

The iPhone has brought people many great features, but it is ultimately apps that have the ability to make use of those features to make things great. This is certainly true of Project 365, an iPhone mobile app that does not really do anything special but puts a unique twist on a regular thing that makes you wonder why it never occurred to you before.

Take a picture every single day

The whole point of Project 365 app for iPhone is to get you to use the camera on your iPhone more often. Just about every cell phone released these days comes with some sort of digital camera in the phone and as long as you have a decent level of skill as a photographer, you can take advantage of that fact by taking a picture every single day.

Document the passing of a year in your life

The whole point of Project 365 iPhone app is to get you to appreciate everything that happens in your life. Is there a day where something normal happened? That’s just about every day but we tend not to remember such things. Take a picture of something you want to remember a year late and Project 365 mobile application will save that picture for you so that you can indeed remember. In a world where it is difficult to remember the last 24 hours in any amount of detail, being able to remember something from a year ago that you might not otherwise remember can be a very rewarding experience if you give it a chance.

Final Score

Evaluating an iPhone app like Project 365 is a little difficult because this app is little more than a fancy photo album with a little bit of verbal spin thrown into the mix. It certainly deserves extra points for the unique approach, but how many extra points is really the question. If you are someone that really got a kick out of the idea of documenting one picture per day for the next year of your life, Project 365 is a great app for you. If it seems somewhat unnecessary as an idea, this app is basically just a lower feature photo album.

In the end, we decided to give Project 365 iPhone app a final score of 8 out of 10. It gets a bump because of the nice idea that comes with the app, but that is not enough to put it up there with the best photo album apps the iPhone has to offer.

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