Remove the Annoyance with the BlackBerry Backlight Utility

One of the easiest ways to get a handle on how good any particular freeware package happens to be is to compare it with freeware packages of similar capability that are available for the other mobile platforms out there.

In the case of the BlackBerry Backlight Utility, you will find a very similar review for a software package that was created for the Google Android system. That application was referred to as a Flashlight that always kept the backlight on when it was activated. The BlackBerry Backlight Utility app is a bit more than that for the simple reason that you can do more with this software package. Of course, it is also freeware, making it a bit more versatile in the end than its Android counterpart.

Do not misconstrue this as meaning that there is no Flashlight feature available through the BlackBerry Backlight Utility mobile application. Indeed, nothing could be further from the truth. If you want the utility to take the form of a simple on or off switch for your backlight, you can certainly configure it to do exactly that. When the utility is running, you can keep the backlight on indefinitely. Then, when you turn the utility off, the backlight settings can go back to their factory default position.

However, what makes the BlackBerry Backlight Utility a better piece of software is the fact that you can do a lot more with it. You can set it to go on and off depending on the programs that you are using and you can also configure timings in order to allow you to leave the backlight on for a long time, but a time that is definitely finite. If you need to read uninterrupted for an hour as an example, you could configure the utility to keep your backlight on for that amount of time. The advantage here would be that the backlight would turn off automatically after that time period has passed rather than you having to turn it off manually and potentially forgetting to do so. Backlights can burn out and are expensive to replace, so the BlackBerry Backlight Utility potentially gives you a lot more and still remains freeware in the process.

We enjoyed the Flashlight utility for the Android and we absolutely love BlackBerry Backlight Utility as well. If you often feel annoyed by the standard backlight settings, this is a freeware package that you definitely need to download. Our final score for BlackBerry Backlight Utility mobile app is 9.5 out of 10.

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